How to Keep Your Staff Motivated When Working from Home

With Covid-19, the world has experienced a lot of drastic changes very quickly, including many small businesses allowing their employees to work from home. Luckily, remote work is easier than ever thanks to technology. However, it requires different approaches to communication and collaboration, which can take some time to adapt to.
Unlike in traditional business or office settings, it can be difficult to keep track of your team’s progress and ensure everyone is working as productively as possible when people are working remotely. On the plus side, working from home cuts commute times, allows for increased flexibility, provides employees with more control of their workdays, and allows people to stay safe.
No matter where your employees are spending their workday, here are some strategies you can employ to ensure everyone stays on top of their tasks and to ensure your business’ goals are still being reached. With adequate planning and dedication, your team can be just as productive at home as they are at work. Learn how to keep them engaged and happy with these tips:
1. Ensure Everyone Knows What They’re Doing
Many of your team members may not have much experience working from home. Be sure to provide your staff with structure and be clear about your expectations when it comes to their daily tasks and overall goals. It’s a good idea to have a daily check-in to ensure that everyone knows what everyone else is working on, and to help them resolve any issues they may be experiencing quickly.
2. Equip Your Team to Succeed
Before asking your employees to work from home, make sure they have all the equipment they need. Set them up with laptops, cellphones, headsets, webcams and whatever else they’ll require to do their jobs effectively and communicate with other team members. Encourage them to not work where they sleep. Rather than being cooped up in a bedroom, a couch or other spaces that they associate with leisure time, encourage them to dedicate a specific room or surface for working, if possible.
3. Make a Schedule – But Be Flexible
Working from home can feel less structured, which is why it’s important to create a schedule your team can stick to daily. To avoid wasting time and bouncing from project to project, plan out segments divided by tasks. If you have an online calendar, create events and reminders that will suggest when to switch tasks and keep everyone on track. Google Calendar is a good platform for this. Also, keep in mind that some of your employees may be caring for children or sick members of their household. Be aware of everyone’s individual circumstances, and accommodate accordingly.
4. Be Accessible
Just because your employees are working remotely, they should never feel like they’re on their own. Schedule regular check-ins, both with the team as a whole and one-on-one with each employee. Encourage your employees to interact and have meetings with each other as well. Messaging platforms such as Google Hangouts and Slack allow easy, frequent communication. Also, be sure to schedule at least some of your meetings over video conferencing, as this encourages a sense of community and can make employees feel less like they’re on their own.
Is working from home for everyone? Absolutely not. But at times where there are no other options, it’s important to approach it the best way you can. Remote work can provide your employees with freedom, flexibility, and a creative space they can call their own. Take advantage of this time and develop productive strategies to make everyone’s daily experience rewarding and productive.