3 Reasons to Update Your Business Card Right Now

As a small business owner in Canada, your business card is one of the most valuable business tools available to you – yet many small business owners don’t use them to their fullest potential. They are the most cost-effective medium there is, and while it does take a face-to-face personal contact to get it into your prospect’s hands, it can be a great tool to not only advertise – but actually grow – your business.
Here are three simple ways to make sure your first impression with your customers gives the best chance to make a sale.
Reason #1: Current Information
You have recently changed your email address, but you still have a stack of business cards left. There’s no harm in hand-writing the new email address on the leftover cards, right? Wrong! Your business card is the very first experience your prospects have with your company. Handwritten updates to your information will leave the customer with the impression of “sloppy” or “cheap”.
Make sure your business cards give off the best first impression with current (and typo free) information and as many ways that they can research your company (website address, Facebook page) and contact you (company phone, mobile phone, email address) as possible.
Reason #2: Use Your Business Card as a Selling Tool
If you want to grow your business fast, use the back of your business card as a coupon for dollars or hours off the first purchase with your company. This gives an advantage over your competition and lets the prospect become a customer for an “introductory” rate. Who wouldn’t use a mechanic who is confident enough to offer “Two Hours of Labour Free on Your Service.”
You can also print a separate stack of business cards for your existing customers that have an appreciation message. A baker could write a message such as “I appreciate your continued business. Please accept a FREE loaf of bread with your next visit”. You can control how many of these you pass out and it is an easy and free way to keep your loyalist customers loyal.
You could even create your own loyalty program by turning the back of your business card into a 10-square grid with the 10th square saying “FREE”. If you were a nail salon, you could offer the 10th manicure for free as a way to say thank you to loyal customers.
Reason #3: You Need a Business Card that is Unforgettable
Even if you are an accountant, you can make your business cards uniquely branded and extremely memorable for your type of business. If you aren’t creative, find a freelance graphic designer in your area (and some The UPS Stores have design services) who can help you create a memorable and impactful business card (or follow these business card template tips). Try to stay within the confines of a standard business card size and shape (because larger odd-sized business cards often get thrown out), but there are lots of ways to get creative. If you are a dog-walker, you could have a photo of a cute dog, or turn the card to a horizontal orientation and have a cartoon-like image of a fire hydrant. Use your business card to give your company the image and personality that aligns with your service is relevant to your target market.
Small changes to the way you use your business cards can add big results to your bottom line. They are so much more than just a calling card. So, start building your business by circulating impactful new business cards that “speak to” your customers and prospects.
You have one chance at a first impression; make it count by picking the material and design that best reflect that impression. The UPS Store can help you design the business card that best represents you and your business.