Small Business Marketing Trends

Marketing is a little bit like a loaf of bread: it’s best when it’s fresh and bad when it gets stale. That’s why it’s wise to always stay abreast of the latest trends and developments in the world of marketing, and make sure you’re not using outdated or ineffective methods to promote your small business. … Continued

Five Quick Ways to Clean Out Your Computer

Even if you don’t always stick to the manufacturer’s service schedule, chances are you make sure to give your car an oil change every once in a while and get it washed from time to time. It just makes sense, right? Good maintenance prolongs the working life of an important and expensive piece of machinery … Continued

How To Drive Sales During a Slow Season

No matter when it happens or how long it lasts, nearly every business endures an annual stretch when sales slow down. Off-season slumps can be especially tough on small business owners, some of whom struggle to survive the temporary drop in revenue. If your small business deals with a yearly swoon, you don’t have to … Continued

Five must-have apps for small business owners

Apps are a useful way for small business owners who are constantly on the go to streamline various processes and make their workday more efficient and productive. Looking for some apps to help you succeed? Here are five must-have apps that will make life easier for any hard-working small business owner. TSheets There’s no better … Continued

3 Reasons to Update Your Business Card Right Now

As a small business owner in Canada, your business card is one of the most valuable business tools available to you – yet many small business owners don’t use them to their fullest potential.  They are the most cost-effective medium there is, and while it does take a face-to-face personal contact to get it into … Continued

Why Contingency Plans are Important for Small Businesses

Whether you run your small business alone and work out of your basement, or have several employees based at multiple office locations, it’s always important to have contingency plans in place. Preparing in advance and knowing how you intend to react in the face of a disaster or health emergency provides more than just valuable … Continued

Bubble Wrap: Fun Facts and Creative Uses

Did you know that Bubble Wrap® Appreciation Day is the last Monday of every January? That’s right; there’s a whole day dedicated to the cushioning material that’s perfect for protecting your parcels and popping your stress away. What better time to review some fun facts about this air-filled miracle material? History Bubble Wrap® (originally called … Continued

Avoid Online Shopping Shipping Headaches This Holiday Season with a Short Term Mailbox Rental

Planning on doing your shopping online this holiday season? You’re not alone. Online shopping continues to grow in popularity and shows no signs of slowing down, with e-commerce growing 23% year-over-year. If you are an avid online shopper, you may have experienced challenges with your deliveries in the past. Some common issues include: Package theft. … Continued