Three Ways to Increase Employee Morale This Summer

Is the mood at your small business stuck in the summer doldrums? Give office morale a boost by showing your employees how much they mean to you. A strong, motivated team is the lifeblood of any good business, big or small, so it’s important not to let morale slip or suffer. By keeping morale high, … Continued

How to Avoid the Summertime Work Blues

We’ve been waiting for what feels like forever. Finally, summer is here again! With the sun shining and temperatures soaring, many are eager to make the most of this all-too short season. Unfortunately, that’s not always ideal for small business owners, who rely on motivated, inspired employees to keep things profitable and productive. If your … Continued

How Small Business Owners Can Use Video Marketing

Technological developments and the declining cost of quality camera equipment have combined to make videos a popular way to connect with customers. It’s highly effective, too: not only do consumers say they find video ads helpful in their decision process, they also share them with their friends and networks. Video production may seem daunting to … Continued

3 Ways to Effectively Promote Your Small Business on Instagram

With over 800 million monthly active users, Instagram is an incredibly effective tool for brands to visually connect with their audience. The social media platform provides businesses with cost-effective opportunities to reach and target audiences and new customers while growing brand awareness. With 52% of small businesses on Instagram, you should consider taking advantage of … Continued

How Your Small Business Can Survive Summer Vacations

As a reward for all their days of dedication and diligence, the employees at your small business surely deserve some down time. And with summer sunshine on the way, they will likely want to take vacation time. Still, as much as you’d like to let them enjoy some well-earned rest and relaxation, it’s essential that … Continued

How to Avoid Loneliness as a Solopreneur

There are a lot of benefits to working for yourself, including increased freedom, flexibility, and the pride of running your own business. However, there are downsides too. One of these can be the loneliness that can come from working long hours at home without the company of co-workers. We’re sharing some tips to help you … Continued

Does Your Small Business Need a Blog?

An effective marketing strategy is an essential part of any successful business, big or small. And while you probably don’t need to be told how important a good website is, you may not have considered how critical and influential a blog could be to your company’s marketing efforts. Unlike your website, which is part shop … Continued

How To Grow Facebook and Instagram Engagement for Small Businesses

Meta is seeking to improve the overall quality of user experience by prioritizing interactions between friends and family ahead of content created by brands and media outlets. Not surprisingly, the changes have forced many businesses to re-evaluate their Facebook strategy. If you’re concerned about the impact of decreased visibility for your small business’ Facebook page, … Continued

How to Protect Yourself from Identity Theft

March is Fraud Protection Month, which is meant to educate consumers about how to recognize and prevent fraud and identity theft. According to the Government of Canada’s Competition Bureau, thousands of Canadians are defrauded every year. There is no typical fraud victim; people from all walks of life are targeted. Identity theft is on the … Continued