What’s the Difference Between a Small Business and a Startup?

It has become common, perhaps even fashionable, for new business ventures of all kinds to be described as startups. In truth, however, most of these entrepreneurial undertakings would be better classified as small businesses. Understanding the distinction between the terms isn’t just a matter of semantics, but an important question that can have implications for … Continued

Show Your Customers Some Love This Valentine’s Day

Love is in the air on Valentine’s Day and while it’s important not to forget about your special somebody, small business owners also need to make sure they show some love to another important set of people: their loyal customers. Traditional Valentine’s Day gifts such as chocolates, champagne and bouquets of roses aren’t the answer … Continued

What You Need To Start A Home Business

  So, you’ve got an amazing idea for a home business, a well thought out plan, and maybe even some leads for your first sale. You’re ready to roll, right? Not so fast. It turns out before you launch your new business, there are a few more things to sort out. Of course, not every … Continued

Business Benefits of Leap Day

Once every four years, our shortest month lasts a little bit longer than usual. Leap years help our calendar keep up with the earth’s rotation around the sun, which actually takes slightly more than 365 days to complete. By tacking an extra day onto the end of February in years divisible by four (and century … Continued

5 Ways to Get Organized in the New Year

Did you know that January is National Get Organized month? The New Year is a great time for making personal and professional resolutions, and getting organized is an essential component in helping you achieve new goals and resolutions for your small business. Starting the new year with a clean slate sets you up to be … Continued

Beware of Batteries When Shipping Holiday Gifts

Bought dad a new rechargeable power tool for Christmas? A new piece of computer equipment for mom? For both rechargeable and non-rechargeable power sources, batteries of various kinds are common in computers, cell phones, cameras and other small electronic devices. If dropped, crushed or short-circuited, these batteries can release dangerous amounts of heat and may ignite. … Continued

What to Know about Shipping Food Across Borders

Countless Canadians enjoy sending a taste of home to friends and family living outside the country. Whether it’s something from your own kitchen, or a Canadian-only chocolate bar or potato chip flavour, all kinds of delicious treats get packed up for delivery. If you want to make sure those ketchup chips or cookies make it … Continued

How to Make Your Small Business ‘Instagrammable’

There’s no advertising like free advertising, and small businesses with the right smarts can get themselves a whole load of it on Instagram. Look around right now, and it’s hard to find a hotter, more popular social network than Instagram. The photo and video sharing service is particularly beloved by young people, many of whom … Continued