Back to Business

For many,  August is the month preparing for the back-to-school season as the lazy days of summer come to a close. For small businesses, August is very much a month of refocus as well.  “Ugh! But I’m still in summer mode,” you say?  Well, The UPS Store has some great tips to help you kick … Continued

Celebrating Canadian Small Business On Canada Day & Beyond

As we celebrate Canada Day at The UPS Store, we have been reflecting on what is Canada as it relates to small business. In many cases, we are a people who came from other lands for various reasons, including better economic opportunities Canada offers. Both personally and professionally, we would have learned to work together … Continued

Using Social Media to Find, Engage and Sell to New Consumers

Social Media offers unique opportunities to those who are able to see the opportunity that it presents.  While there are still a few out there that have resisted the influence and opportunities that social media presents, the savvy (or the brave) have embraced this wholeheartedly.  Social media, in amongst other things, offers a world of … Continued

10 Amazing Stats About Online Shopping

We’ve all heard a lot about how huge a phenomenon online shopping has become, and how important it is for small businesses to maximize their e-commerce opportunities. Still, getting a real grasp on the enormity of the online shopping revolution sometimes requires taking a closer look at the numbers, and what they indicate. One or … Continued