Hiring Tips for Small Business Owners

Making smart hires and recruiting good talent is vitally important for any company but if you’re a small business owner, the impact of your hiring decisions tends to be more magnified. When your team is small, you can’t afford an employee who doesn’t deliver or proves to be a poor fit. And getting rid of … Continued

How to Create Effective Customer Surveys

Any business, big or small, can benefit from a better understanding of the wants and needs of its customers. And the best way to find out precisely what your clients are looking for is to go ahead and ask them. Done right, surveys are a powerful and informative tool that can help guide your decision … Continued

A Guide to Incorporating Your Small Business

Incorporating a business in Canada means creating a corporation or company that exists a legal entity, separate from its shareholders and directors. While it’s not legally required, incorporation can offer benefits over sole proprietorships and partnerships, such as tax deductions and limited liability protection, keeping your personal assets clear from any debts your business may … Continued

Getting Started on Social Media for Small Business

While it may seem like a daunting task to establish and maintain a social media presence for your small business, there’s no denying it’s worth the time and effort. No matter what kind of business you’re in or how large your operation is, there are plenty of positive outcomes that can come from successfully implementing … Continued

A Small Business Owner’s Guide to Taking Vacations

As summer swings into high gear, it’s the perfect time to plan a vacation. But many small business owners often feel like they can’t get away and relax because they’re too preoccupied with what’s going on back at work. Constant phone calls, e-mails and other office irritants can take the fun out of a holiday … Continued

10 Ways to Prepare for Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL)

In the last blog post, we reviewed Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL), which will restrict unsolicited or unwanted commercial electronic email messages starting July 1, 2014. Now that you know what the new legislation entails and the differences between Express and Implied Consent, let’s cover the particular steps your business must take to ensure its commercial … Continued

Is Your Small Business Ready for Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL)?

Do you market to your clients via email? The Canadian government is clamping down on unsolicited or unwanted electronic email messages and what you don’t know WILL hurt you and your business. Effective July 1, 2014, Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) will come into effect with some very strong legislation regarding commercial electronic communications. With potential … Continued

10 Cash Flow Management Tips for Small Businesses

The adage “cash is king” should stay top of mind for all small business owners, who often confuse cash flow with profit. It’s not unusual for small businesses that are profitable to go under, simply because they were spending cash faster than they were making it. The bottom line of your profit and loss statement … Continued

5 Ways Small Businesses Can Improve Customer Service

Excellent customer care is important for any brand, but small businesses in particular have a unique opportunity to foster personal relationships with their clients and distinguish themselves from the competition. Making customers feel like they are being heard and respected can increase both customer retention and acquisition. Delivering excellent customer service does not require large … Continued

How to Spring Clean Your Work Life

Now is the perfect time to spring clean your life. Not only do we celebrate both National Organize Week and Records and Information Month in April, it’s also when we begin gearing up for a new season. And what better way to do that than by re-evaluating how you work? Increase your productivity, take stock … Continued