A Guide to Hiring the Right People

No business, big or small, can succeed without two things: strong products and satisfied customers. But there’s another important factor that has a big influence on performance and prosperity. Committed, passionate employees are essential to the fortunes and future of any company. In a small business setting, hiring the right people matters even more, because … Continued

A Guide to Maintaining Your Computer

If you’re a small business owner, computer technology is one of the most vital tools at your disposal. Whether it’s a desktop, laptop, or a mobile device such as a tablet or smartphone, there’s no denying how crucial computers have become in our daily tasks. They allow us to communicate with customers and colleagues around … Continued

Build Your Best Email Marketing Newsletter Yet

By Lisa Kember, Regional Director, Canada – Constant Contact Email remains the most cost effective ways to engage customers and drive repeat business.  But today’s email marketers face stiff competition for attention in the inbox and that competition is growing at a rapid pace. By 2018, business email will account for over 139.4 billion emails … Continued

Jumpstart Your Marketing with a New Year Plan

In the midst of last days of the year (and the holiday rush), perhaps the last thing on your mind is pulling together a new marketing plan. But the reality is that having a marketing plan in place will yield better results for the year ahead than creating campaigns on the fly. While it’s important … Continued

Holiday Shipping FAQ

Here are some answers to common holiday shipping questions: Why was there a COD charge for receiving my parcel? Parcels arriving from outside of Canada are subject to the following fees Brokerage (on ground shipments from the US), Duties and Taxes will be assessed on parcels arriving from the US and International destinations. Who do I … Continued

When is a “Gift” not a Gift?

Shipping gifts to family and friends living in the US and abroad requires considering the implications required to clear Customs. Many people mistakenly believe that a “gift” may be shipped free of duties and taxes. In some countries that would be correct (subject to limitations) whereas in others it would not. My youngest daughter recently … Continued

Rock the Holidays with a Great Promotion

The holidays are upon us, and with them, the busiest time of year for many businesses. This presents an enormous opportunity to close out 2015 on a strong note, and set the stage for a successful 2016. A great way to help ensure that success is by developing the right holiday offer.  With a great … Continued

How to Deliver Excellent Online Customer Service

Good customer service has always been crucial to the success of any small business. What’s changed with new technology, however, is a growing emphasis on response times and personalized interaction. These days, customers aren’t always content to sift through a menu of telephone options in order to get their problems fixed. Increasingly, they want online … Continued

Most Profitable Small Business Industries

The choices you make when starting a small business will help determine its chances of future success. No choice is more important, however, than the most fundamental decision of them all: what kind of business you intend to start. Your skills, training, interests and aptitude should all play a role in picking the right field … Continued

How to Format Your Press Release for Best Results

You can use a press release for a wide variety of purposes – such as to announce a new product or service, an upcoming event, or a management change; you can also use it to create buzz around a new initiative, campaign or resource.  Unlike paid advertising, a press release can lead to pick-up and … Continued