Business Networking Tips for Introverts

  Chances are you’ve heard a lot about how important it is for small business owners to make the most of networking opportunities. There’s undisputed value in striving to constantly expand your base of potential clients, industry connections, and professional acquaintances. Sounds great in principle, right? But what if you’re an introvert, the kind of … Continued

What You Need to Know About Business Credit Cards

Do you and the staff at your small business use business credit cards for work-related purchases and expenses? Or are you besieged by offers for business credit card products, but unsure which one is right for you? Many small business owners enjoy the benefits of using business credit cards. Besides being a simple way to … Continued

Why Visual Content Marketing is Crucial for your Small Business

Chances are you’ve heard the phrase countless times: A picture is worth a thousand words. In content marketing terms, however, that ratio might well be much higher. The visuals you use as part of your content creation efforts often play a crucial role in determining whether your overall strategy succeeds or falls short. So, what … Continued

How to Manage Millennial and Gen Z Employees

How many different generations do you have working as employees at your small business? These days, it’s not uncommon to count three or possibly even four distinct generational groups among the people on your team. When hiring these days, the bulk of your applicants are likely to be millennials (those born between the early 1980s … Continued

How To Save Energy in the Office During the Summer

Energy costs are important to small business owners who understand the value of every dollar they spend and never want to pay more than is necessary. Of course, it’s hard to run a successful business if your workplace isn’t at the right temperature. The high humidity and searing heat of summer can sap you and … Continued

Take Your Dog to Work Day

A special canine celebration, Take Your Dog To Work Day, is Friday, June 21. This annual event has two main goals. The first is to raise awareness of the many benefits dogs provide through companionship, even in professional settings. The second is to help promote adoptions from shelters, rescue groups and humane societies. If your … Continued

Five productivity hacks for small businesses

Time is always a precious commodity, and small business owners will often do whatever they can to wring the most out of every minute, trying to achieve as much as possible in every workday. Of course, there’s always a right way and a wrong way to do anything and being busy is no different. If … Continued

A Guide to Successful Summer Promotions for Your Small Business

Summer might be the busiest time of year at your small business, or it might be the time when the pace slows down and sales slip a little. If it’s the latter and you’re looking to turn things up a notch, there are lots of fun ways to tie the summer season into your promotional … Continued

How to Reduce Your Small Business’s Carbon Footprint

As concerns mount about the alarming impacts of climate change, many people are on the lookout for ways to help decrease our collective carbon footprint. While we’re often conscious of the environmental impact of actions we take in our private lives, we tend to think less about what could be done to make our businesses … Continued

How to Choose the Best Hosting Platform for Your Small Business Website

Small business owners hear a lot about the importance of having a dynamic and robust website, one crammed full of quality content and eye-catching images. But while the finished product gets plenty of attention, there’s often less awareness about an important under-the-hood aspect of getting your business online: web hosting. Simply put, web hosting is … Continued