Celebrating Canadian Small Business On Canada Day & Beyond

As we celebrate Canada Day at The UPS Store, we have been reflecting on what is Canada as it relates to small business. In many cases, we are a people who came from other lands for various reasons, including better economic opportunities Canada offers. Both personally and professionally, we would have learned to work together and to support one another in order to survive and to thrive. We see this in our own network of The UPS Store franchisees. It is this sentiment of support and cooperation that we wish to keep going today as we urge Canadians to support and celebrate Canadian Small Businesses, everyday.
For small businesses and startups, local support is crucial to long term success. Small business is at the heart of the Canadian Economy with over 99,000 new startups launched every year[1]. On the flip side, approximately 69,000 small businesses close on average every year. With these odds, you need the support of your fellow Canadians for your small business to survive and to thrive, and the good news is that they are willing to help. A recent study by RBC found that;
- 94% of Canadians think small business is crucial to the success of the Canadian Economy
- 61% of all Canadians would pay more for a Canadian product from the local community rather than go abroad
- 73% of Canadians say word-of-mouth is a factor in purchases
- 68% of Canadians would rather support a local business
When you see those numbers it’s easy to see that the support you need is out there in your community. It’s a matter of getting the good word out there about your small business. The question is how? That is a question that every one of our over 360 The UPS Store franchisees in Canada work to answer every day. These are entrepreneurs who work diligently with and to support local small businesses in their communities. They can be a great support to your small business not only for the products & services they have in store, but also for the experiences they have in building their own small businesses, and also from their experiences with the small businesses they have worked with over the years. Feel free to drop by for a visit and find out how your local The UPS Store franchisee can help your small business grow.
Until then, we at The UPS Store wish you a most Happy Canada Day.
[1] Key Small Business Statistics – July 2012 edition – http://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/061.nsf/eng/h_02689.html