Additional Products & Services
Faxing: Send & Receive
Don’t have a fax machine at home? No problem. You can send and receive faxes at our location.
Archiving Services
Archive your key documents to disc at The UPS Store #401.
Shredding Services
Discard of your unneeded documents, with safe & secure shredding services at The UPS Store #401.
E-Mail Scanning: Send & Receive
Don’t have a scanning machine at home? No problem. You can send and receive scans at our location.
24-Hour, 365 Day Copy Account Access
Don’t have a printer at home? No problem. You can print black and white copies at your convenience at our location.
Website Design
Bringing a professional design edge to your website. Efficiently, effectively, on time and within your budget.
Logo & Branding Design
Logo design, identity design and branding all have different roles, that together, form a perceived image for a business or product can help enhance your overall image.
Joint Mailer Programs
Become a part of our joint mail program and benefit from multi business advertising programs.
Direct Mail Brochures, Postcards & Unaddressed Ad-Mail Programs
Need to send out brochures, pamphlets or any other type of advertising directly to your clients? We can help, we deal directly with mail-houses as well as Canada Post on your behalf and receive reduced rates.
Commissioner for Oaths (MB)
What is a Commissioner for Oaths?
A Commissioner for Oaths is an individual who can administer oaths and take and receive
affidavits, statutory declarations and affirmations within Manitoba.
What can a Commissioner for Oaths sign?
A Commissioner for Oaths can take or receive the oath or affirmation from a person who is signing an affidavit or statutory declaration. The documents must be Manitoba documents, staying in Manitoba.